Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki

Baton is a minor character who appeared in "Everything's A-OJ", and later in "Waffling About". He is voiced by Justin Chapman and Dave Zhu.


Baton is a tall shadow Gray police baton. He has a tall and slender body with two handles, one at his bottom and one jutting out at his side. He wears a large pair of black police glasses.



  • Inanimate Insanity II
    • "Everything's A-OJ"
  • Waffling About

As a security officer for the courtroom under Judge Gavel, Baton appears during the trial of The People of Hotel OJ vs. MePhone4 and straps handcuffs on MePhone4 after he is sentenced to one day in jail, and escorts him out of the room.

Although Baton never appears again in Inanimate Insanity II, he makes a minor appearance in the Short: "Waffling About", where he arrives at Hotel OJ after receiving a call that Test Tube was claiming perfection, even though it's subjective. After Test Tube slams the door and takes out Experiment 626, Baton questions through the door if she has a permit for it.


  • His glasses were normally depicted as triangular. In the anniversary banner though, he has circular glasses.

