Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
キャラクター ギャラリー 関係 作中での活躍
この記事はthe characterについてです。その他の用法についてはthe drinkをご覧ください。

Everyone, please remain calm. I'm going to go ahead and check his vitals.

Dr. Fizz is a minor character who appeared in "Tragedy At 60 Feet". He is a doctor in Inanimate Insanity Invitational. He is voiced by Morgan Hesmondhalgh.


Dr. Fizz is a soda can with a soda tab attached to the top of him with a brown strap, much like a doctor's head mirror. He is red and white in color, resembling a can of Dr. Fizz (the drink).


Dr. Fizz is presumed to be a paramedic, a medical officer who responds to emergencies outside of hospitals. In Box's Exit Interview, he is seen caring for Box whilst keeping track of his vitals and overall health, which suggests he has multiple professions in the healthcare industry.

As shown in "A Jury of Your Fears" and "You Can't Do This Forever", Dr. Fizz is also very against hurting others, going against Walkie-Talkie's wishes to kill MePhone4, showing hesitance when ordered by Walkie-Talkie to attack Candle, and joining The Unvitational Committee due to the accidents that were occurring during the competition.

Dr. Fizz may also have a short temper, as seen in Box's Exit Interview, where he gets incredibly angry at Lifering for asking him and Box questions, which leads to him 'blowing his top' from the intense stress.


  • Inanimate Insanity Invitational
    • "Tragedy at 60 Feet"
    • "A Jury of Your Fears"
    • "You Can't Do This Forever"

In Tragedy At 60 Feet, Dr. Fizz is seen responding to a medical emergency involving Box. After being hit with a hammer, tumbling down a hill, and being set on fire, Box is seen as unfit to continue competing, and Dr. Fizz takes him offsite for treatment.

As mentioned before, he is seen caring for Box in his Exit Interview, whilst Lifering asks Box various questions suggested by viewers. This almost leads to Dr. Fizz dying, however, Lifering saves him and leaves him alone so he can tend to Box.

In "A Jury of Your Fears" and "You Can't Do This Forever", we see him working for the Unvitational Committee, aiding them with kidnapping Mephone4 and the eliminated invitational contestants. However, he starts to show hesitation upon being requested to harm Candle and Mephone4. When the invitational finalists discuss with the committee, Dr. Fizz states his reason for joining was to put an end to Mephone's reckless challenges. Despite this, however, he votes to not kill Mephone, leading to Mephone4 later being saved by the finalists and Springy. We later see Dr. Fizz and some of the other Unvitationals at the winner party for Cabby, and we also see him in Cabby's Library after the season.


  • Dr. Fizz is the third minor character to appear in Inanimate Insanity Invitational.
  • Because Yang is obsessed with the Dr. Fizz drink, he prematurely began worshipping him at first sight.
  • According to Box's exit interview, Dr. Fizz used to play D&D in his youth before he was defeated during a game.
  • In a stream from Brian Koch, it was stated that Dr. Fizz was into improv comedy, but was not good at it.[1]
  • He speaks in a British accent.
