Balloon making a weird face in the window of OJ's hotel during "Keep On Cleaning"
Balloon votes for
Salt to be eliminated
I thought you were inside the hotel...
Balloon about to screw
Balloon getting eliminated in Episode 7
Balloon safe by 768 votes.
Balloon asking the viewers to vote for him to re-join
"Let's use the useless one to our advantage!"
Balloon waves Good-bye to Suitcase shortly before entering the Rejection Portal.
Everyone celebrating except for Balloon
Balloon feeling moments of joy
Balloon getting push by
Taco with her inside mouth
Last moment before Paintbrush pops Balloon
Balloon cries because nobody really cares for him despite his efforts to be a better person.
Balloon at the bottom 3 of episode 9.
Balloon listens to OJ feeling very uneasy and nervous.
OJ got a message by Balloon.
Balloon along with everyone
Balloon in a thumbnail of an episode (A Lemony Lesson)
Balloon S1 Elimination Icon
Balloon along with everyone. Note that Bow is at the bottom right of the corner.