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Inanimate Insanity II[]

"Objects in Mirror"[]

They were briefly seen through their legs, as they were walking around asking "where have they all been?" Which made Fan said "Oh this is going to be a whole thing, isn't it?" As he and Test Tube were under the impression about a Bow and Bot interaction in the future.

Inanimate Insanity Invitational[]

"Stranded in Paradise"[]

Bot is rocketed out of the wreckage and onto the beach after Boaty caught on fire. Under the appearance and alias of Bow, many are shocked at their appearance. Nonchalantly, Bot incorrectly states that an individual contestant's chance of winning is 1 in 7, when, as Test Tube corrects, it would actually be 1 in 9. MePhone4, terrified and confused, states that he sent Bow's invitation as a joke and asks Bot how they are alive. Bot simply replied they didn't know.

During the challenge, the Pink Team hops inside of Cabby’s drawer and Bot asks where they are, stating, "this isn’t Narnia", a line Bow was known for.

"The Shame of the Name"[]

Bot makes a remark to MePhone4 they're not married when he decided that it’s time to make a new tagline for the show; "something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue."

During the challenge, Bot makes another remark to Cabby that they didn't understand what she said, but expresses they like pink and wants to work with it when she begins rambling on about how to impress MePhone4 for the challenge. When Cabby leaves for a moment, Bot and Goo sit together and Goo asks if Bot has any ideas, to which Bot just responds with the color pink, rhetorically asking why they should change it.

At the end of the challenge, MePhone4 finally heads over to the Pink Team, who haven't come up with a name. Goo begins to stall when Bot, panicked, suddenly jumps up into the air and shouts out the name, "The Pinkers", confusing MePhone4. Though initially touched by Goo's explanation, MePhone4 hates the name and denotes Bot’s team as the losers of the challenge. Bot slumps down sadly and says they thought it was a good name for the team.

Later, Cabby comes over to Bot, reassuring them that they most likely won't be voted out. Bot simply replies "Kay", not seeming reassured. Cabby then tells Bot that she liked the name, but claims that "Fan had some attitude towards it". Cabby also states that Fan broke a chair once, but strangely, Bot seemed to glitch out the word "chair", and was unable to understand what Cabby was referring to. Cabby leaves confused as Bot and Goo briefly discuss whether or not they will vote Fan out that night.

At the elimination, Bot wins the popular vote and is immune from elimination, much to MePhone's confusion. Bot begins to repeat the Bow quote, "they did, so they all get..." but, oddly, cannot finish the quote.

"Snapshot Showdown"[]

Bot and Goo manage to find the The Sinkers to take an embarrassing picture of for the challenge, but before they are able to get a snapshot, The Sinkers take cover under a huge raft Lifering had stored. Bot views this as an eight-legged monster, in which eight is the exact number of legs it takes to frighten them, and tells Goo to retreat. Both sprint off to elsewhere.

Later on, Bot heads over to their team and says this challenge is so scary that they feel like they can't even blink. Comically, they proceed to blink anyways, and fret over it.

During hour fifteen of the challenge, MePhone4 finds Bot still awake. Bot states that they can't sleep, and they are also scared of a monster. Bot later confronts MePhone4 on how the picture taken of him makes him look ridiculous and talks about how when they take selfies, they usually save the silly ones because honestly they're the best in their thoughts. When Bot tries to take a selfie with MePhone4, he suddenly disappears.

Bot then hears sounds coming from the bushes and asks who's there. The Sinkers emerge with "Raft Monster" from earlier, trying to scare Bot and get an embarrassing photo. Bot is in shock, but quickly notices the monster lost two legs, making them no longer afraid. They get a photo of The Sinkers successfully.

Just as the challenge was about to end, Bot tells Goo not to worry despite The Thinkers snapping an out of context photo of him as they had proof on camera of the monster they saw last night, thinking that it looked more like an elephant than an actual monster. Test Tube counters Bot's statement, correcting Bot that elephants don’t exist until Bot shows the snapshot of the monster they caught, with Test Tube confused right after. When MePhone4 says that the photo of front-facing Tea Kettle is cursed, Bot repeats a Bow quote, making a remark to Tea Kettle that she "might wanna go get that checked out", while sitting on top of Goo as they head off elsewhere.

"The Overthinkers"[]

Bot rates the inside of Cabby's drawer a negative 100 stars, adding that writing about monster hunting in a cramped dark space is a bad vibe to them. Bot tells Cabby that she is lucky they didn't get cab sick. Bot becomes dramatic, acting like they are gonna faint, and they fall out of Cabby's drawer.

"Tragedy at 60 Feet"[]

Bot is comically in shock, exclaiming "WHAT?" when Cabby, after observing Clover's strange abilities, concludes that she's lucky.

"Try Not To Laugh Challenge"[]

Bot walks up to Clover, asking if she would like to see a really funny note, but then concludes they'll talk about it with her later as she keeps moving away from Bot.

At the beginning of the challenge, Bot and Goo think of an opportunity to do some cheering up for Clover, forced to stay in one spot. Bot calls the duo, "Cheer Factory" and tells Clover to prepare her face. Bot begins with a joke that possibly had came off from one Cabby's files, asking what to call a photocopier that's low on ink... A pale imitation! The drum sting plays in the background, but when Clover has no reaction, Bot starts to doubt themself, asking if that was supposed to be funny.

Bot continues to try being funny using a Taco quote, "SOUR CREAM!" When Paintbrush boos at Bot's sour cream joke, they tell them to go back to the chair jokes which triggers their mysterious perception blocker, making them unable to process the word "chair". Bot is seen talking to Clover yet again about how they caught a ball with their face, which was at their expense. When Clover tells Bot that she doesn't deserve this, Bot tries to crack a joke on her once again. After being confronted about trying to help put a smile on Clover's face, Bot is chosen to make Yin-Yang. Bot tries to make Yin-Yang laugh by telling him to watch out as they pull out spaghetti (calling it "spaggers"). It almost worked, before Yang took full control of the two. Bot then has a backup plan when they mention the "pudding boy" joke to Yang, who switches back to Yin, making Bot's attempt fail.

Bot gives up and calls The Floor for help to try and make Balloon laugh. Just as the two were about to make Balloon laugh, Nickel shouts out the baby host joke he made to him earlier, making Balloon chuckle, making The Sinkers lose the challenge. This causes Bot and The Floor to pause in shock, technically not having made Balloon laugh themselves.

"Best Served Cold"[]

Bot and Goo begin their Cheer Factory cheer after hearing Goo's Aura Reading from Candle. However, when Bot asks for their aura to be read, Candle experiences an inability to do so, leaving them briefly in silence until Goo screams, to which Cabby makes a funny comment about that distracts everybody except Candle.

Bot harshly says that they are the pink one when Balloon is more of a salmon color. Bot makes a remark at Balloon, calling their color scheme "fish". Bot's memory blocker seems to be triggered and their head is hurt when Cabby asks for their help by making a ladder by stacking chairs to get Silver Spoon up to the top of their Mile High Pie and double their productivity. When Silver Spoon mentions chairs twice, Bot experiences the same inability to process the word, and their head begins to hurt more seriously. Test Tube diverts Cabby's attention by offering to take Bot with her as she grabs more ice cream.

Test Tube and Bot head over to the Pic-Nix Tables, where the former tells Bot just to cool off. Before eventually leaving after Test Tube's talk with Nickel, Test Tube generates strawberry ice cream, which Bot exclaims is the best kind.

During the elimination, Bot says how Cabby wrote how they were dead but got the pink part right which didn't seem to bother them right after.

In the stinger at the very end of the episode, Bot is seen sitting alone on a rock, continuously rubbing the right side of their head. Feeling something odd, they manage to pull out a piece of their head, in shock at the robotic parts they're looking at.

"Out of Body Experience"[]

In "Out of Body Experience Pt1", Bot expresses disdain for being in commercials (contradictory to Bow having used to create them) whilst putting on a hat to cover the missing part of their head. MePhone4 asks the contestants to take a group picture before Ballpoint Pen arrives. Yin blinked so they take a second picture, causing half of the bridge to fall on them. Test Tube pushed Bot out of the picture before it crushed all of the contestants.

Bot comes to Test Tube and asks her about Cabby's file on themself, saying that there's an "extra weird part" in the writing. Bot gives it to Test Tube and her luck burns the file. Bot responds to this by saying that it was there only chance at learning "fun facts" about themself. Later Bot tells Goo that they cant get answers without that file, and suggests asking Candle about there aura again. Goo replies that they would not want to hear the answer, and walks away to fight on the bridge.

In "Out of Body Experience Pt2", After MePhone4 runs out of body swapped contestants to face against each other, he asks Bot to compete against Yin-Yang, further requesting they pretend to be in the wrong body. Bot nervously agrees, getting onto the bridge with Yin-Yang. Immediately they start complaining about their body, pointing out the "triangles" on their sides and their eyelashes. They begin to lift their hat to mention their head. However, flashing back to ripping out a piece of their head and to being in the hull of the boat from Stranded In Paradise, they have a panic attack, and frantically ask for a time-out as they run off the bridge.

Test Tube and Candle find Bot sulking alone on one of the Pic-Nix tables, the latter mentioning they wanted to talk to them about their aura. Bot states they know it's missing, and that's not all they figured out, walking to Test Tube to confront her. They ask Test tube why she saved their life, having figured out that MePhone couldn't bring them back if they died, and that they "came back" a different way that Test Tube didn't want them to know.

Test Tube explains to Bot that she and Fan created them as a replica of Bow in an effort to bring her back from the dead. Test Tube then expresses confidence that Bot is the same as who Bow was before, just in a robotic shell now. Bot asks if this makes them a "Bowbot", but then expresses that they aren't the same as Bow, that they can't remember, hear, or see certain things. Test Tube explains to Bot that the reason why they couldn't seem to process some words was because Test Tube adjusted their program to block out "everything related to how Bow died", to which Bot angrily retorts that they couldn't have been reminded of her death because they don't have her mind. Enraged, Bot continues, stating that just because they were programmed to say some of Bow's catchphrases, doesn't mean they are Bow. Bot then tells Test Tube that she and the other contestants are lucky that MePhone can put them back in their own bodies, while Bot is stuck in a Bow-like body that isn't theirs. Bot angrily chucks their hat to the ground and stomps off.

Bot continues to sulk on a rock by the shore as Test Tube finds them. Apologetically, Test Tube offers to help Bot be themselves, to which Bot states that they're on the right track. MePhone then abruptly butts in between them, frantic to get back to the show, but stops when he sees Bot's exposed head damage. Bot asks to not go back on the air, and MePhone agrees, stating he'll take care of it.

"Title TBD"[]

Goo is startled by Bot when he sees their legs are very long, assuming the cause was a medieval torture device. Bot corrects him, explaining that they're a robot, and that Test Tube gave them stretchable legs when they brought up to her in a flashback their short stature was limiting. In said flashback, Bot also stated they could still like chocolate cake even if chocolate cake with whipped cream was Bow's favorite dessert. When Goo addresses Bot as Bow, they correct him, stating they're not actually Bow, saying "TBD, I guess", which Goo interprets as a name rather than the acronym "To Be Determined." Bot awkwardly stumbles away with their legs extended.

When the teams are deciding which roles to have during the animation production challenge, Balloon tells Bot that they can be the fundraiser, citing Bow's commercials. Bot reminds him that they're not Bow, in which Paintbrush walks in to reassure them that can be whatever they want. Quickly, Bot offers to be the artist of the production, which Paintbrush originally wanted.

Later in the challenge, Bot announces to their team that they finished their art for the production.

Goo gets stuck on the fist thingy during his elimination, giving Bot a chance to talk to him. Bot expresses that, while they liked Goo's film about celebrating their identity, it was also a lot on them. They explain that they just wanted Goo to treat them and their new identity as normal, not to make a big deal about it. Goo understands, and the both of them make one last Cheer Factory cheer before Goo is flung away.

"I Am Chocolate!"[]

Silver Spoon walks over to Bot and Test Tube, offering to "rub elbows" with the former and engage in conversation. Bot shakes their head, which Silver calls impolite, then they nod, making Silver walk away in disgust. Bot is unable to speak at the moment due to getting a new voice, which is taking time to process.

When Test Tube is gathering numbers to vote Cabby out, Bot eagerly waves their hands around to show their support for her.

Bot walks over to Test Tube and Paintbrush after Test Tube gets the most votes in the elimination. They clear their throat, using their new voice for the first time, and shyly they ask how they sound. They state that, though they thought they'd be more excited, there's still so much they haven't found about themselves, despite what Test Tube's given them so far.

"Pesty Besties"[]

Bot uses "AMAZING BEAT-BOXING SKILLS" when coming up with a theme song for their new alliance with Nickel and Balloon: The Looney Balloonies. Bot chants "Go Looney Balloonies!" which Nickel and Balloon echo.

Upon first seeing the Inani-mates, Bot excitedly calls them "adorable little monsters".

Bot introduces their inani-mate, N/A, who echoes their terms of endearment as if to make fun of them for being short. Bot expresses that they don't want N/A getting hurt in the tournament, which is followed up by them lying about N/A going missing so that they aren't placed in battle.

Bot participates in the Looney Balloonies' attempt to persuade Silver Spoon to join them. Later, after both he and Candle betray the New Old Thinkers in the elimination vote, Bot thanks them for saving the alliance, shushing N/A after they repeat them.

"Home Is Where the Heart Is"[]

When MePhone4 attempts a basketball game, The Floor gets in the way of Bot's dribbling.

Bot urges their alliance to chase The Floor, though Nickel questions how they can chase someone who can teleport. Bot snaps back at Nickel, sarcastically remarking that standing still is a "much better" idea. Before Nickel responds, he checks if Bot has come up with their name yet, to which they state they're still workshopping. Bot is then distracted by Nickel's luck butterfly.

The Looney Balloonies attempt to capture The Floor by luring him in with food and a picnic setup, which temporarily works, causing him to teleport onto the picnic basket and confusing him. Bot expresses sympathy for The Floor, stating it must be confusing to have an entirely new outside.

Some time later, Bot is doodling on a page when they ask Balloon if caterpillars dream of being butterflies. Balloon asks what butterflies dream of, to which Bot states they dream of being themselves, also catching Balloon's trick question.

Once The Floor is spotted in the red spot of the volcano, threatening to erupt, Bot runs and leaps right up to the top of it. They speak earnestly to The Floor, talking about how they were nervous about if they'd still be themselves if they went by a different name or even looked different. Bot then smiles as they state that The Floor helped them realize that, "you're still you" no matter "what you put out there." Bot and The Floor exchange tongue clicks, to which Bot giggles at lightheartedly.

Paintbrush walks over to Bot to compliment them for calming down The Floor. When Paintbrush doesn't know how to refer to them, Bot introduces their name for the first time. Met with support, they say it's "the part that's [them]", and they're excited about looking more like themselves than ever as they pull out a drawing of what they want to look like.

Bot nervously shrugs upon the reveal of Yin-Yang's voided vote, indicating they voted for Yin-Yang despite their alliance's agreement to vote out Paintbrush.

"Friend or Froze"[]

Balloon and Nickel helped change Bot's appearance based on their drawing of themself. Looking with awe in the mirror, they express it's "so... [them]" and that they can't thank Nickel and Balloon enough.

After the three of them do their Looney Balloonies cheer, Nickel cuts to the chase and confronts Bot on not voting for Paintbrush last episode. In the Calm Down Cabana, Bot confesses they couldn't bring themselves to vote for Paintbrush given how supportive they always were. Nickel then tells Bot that if the three of them want to make it to the final three, they have to "make like butterflies and flap in unison", telling Bot to speak up next time they have any other ideas.

When the five Looney Balloonies are all gathered together, planning to win against Cabby and Yin-Yang, Bot states they learned from that morning that teamwork makes the dream work.

While Nickel and Balloon are talking about "bridging the gap", Bot gets the idea to stretch their legs from the top of the cliff to the top of The Floor's wall, guaranteeing they'll make it to the pipe on the other side. Once making it across, Bot cheers, exclaiming that their success was exactly what Nickel hoped for.

Balloon, Nickel, Bot, Silver Spoon and Candle make it to the Gladstonian Glacier, and for the second part of the challenge have to compete individually for immunity. While Silver Spoon and Candle try to persuade Nickel, Bot interrupts to claim an inevitable victory, stretching a leg to kick Nickel. He, Silver, and Candle cooperate to catch Bot's stretched legs, then Nickel kicks them off the glacier, forcing them to stretch their legs to avoid their body touching the water and taking them out of the game.

Later on, the five Looney Balloonies have to think on how to counter Cabby and Yin-Yang's idea to share the immunity milk, leaving it ambiguous on who will drink it and making voting for them risky for their opponents. Bot realizes that it's five of the Balloonies versus just Cabby and Yin-Yang, and that, by splitting their vote, they'll at least force a tie no matter who drinks the milk. Nickel comments that Bot is on fire with their ideas today, and Bot states that it feels they can see everything much more clearly now.

"Spring on the Breakfast!"[]

When all of the contestants at the beginning of the episode cheer "Springtastic!" Bot asks, "Spring-what-stic?", not familiar with the name. When Springy appears to the delight of everyone else, Bot questions if they all remember them.

In the challenge, everyone is grouped into pairs inside giant floating cereal boxes, and Bot is paired with Cabby. Bot giggles upon seeing the first puzzle room, the "Don't Press the Button" room, and sarcastically asks Cabby to "please, like," show them the way.

Bot and Cabby are the first to enter the next room; The Loser Room. Looking at the floating images of the season 3 contestants, Bot observes there are two images of Cabby, lightheartedly stating they must like or hate her twice as much. Cabby comments that, as an intended robotic replica of Bow, there is also sort of two Bots. This makes Bot feel insecure, breaking eye contact and nervously holding their arm. Cabby realizes she hurt Bot, and offers to restart and chronicle correct information, asking Bot for fun facts as she opens a file visibly for Bow. In the Calm Down Cabana with N/A, Bot remarks that Cabby always wants facts, and not themself, but resolves to "make the facts fun", which N/A echoes.

Bot proceeds to tell Cabby various untrue and whimsical facts. They claim their full name is Botregard Q. Kazoo, that they have the keys to thirteen different cities, and that they were the first object on the moon before Cabby asks them to slow down.

A few scenes later, Bot taps on Clover's image, the two of them having figured out the puzzle follows the season's elimination order. Cabby asks in disbelief if Bot can breathe fire, to which they falsely confirm, but specify they can only do so under the full moon, because they're part werewolf on Tuesdays. Whilst claiming this, they tap on Goo's image as well. Lastly, Bot claims they can "read the thoughts of people who open their minds". Woefully, Cabby asks what she's thinking right now, to which Bot awkwardly says her mind's not open enough yet. When Cabby apologizes for getting Test Tube eliminated, Bot silently stares for a moment before switching the topic and claiming to be an international pro gamer, this being the reason why they "look like a sick controller." Bot hops over an image of The Floor on the ground before tapping it.

Bot and Cabby easily complete the Feather Room, and head to the Electric Fence Room. Bot suddenly pauses in horror, staring at something off-screen to the right and trying to quietly get Cabby's attention. Bot shoves Cabby so that she faces the same direction, where the both of them see what appears to be Test Tube, standing perfectly still. Bot immediately darts behind Cabby to hide. Trembling in fear, they state that Test Tube hasn't seen them since before their appearance changed, and is afraid of her seeing them not look like what she originally created. Bot asks Cabby if she can explain them to "Test Tube", to which she hesitantly agrees.

Cabby realizes upon tapping them that what appears to be Test Tube isn't really her, but rather a robot replica, to which Bot nods. Cabby expresses confusion in Bot's nervousness, which they state they'll talk about if Cabby doesn't write it down. Bot explains that, though they're on good terms with Test Tube, they know she made her in a very specific way, and they're scared of how she or Fan would react to seeing them. They don't think either of them would be mad, but they don't want to make them sad. Cabby comments that they'd both be there with Bot if not for her, to which they simply shrug. Bot then asks Cabby what her parents were like. Cabby begins to panic, and Bot puts a hand on her back to comfort her. Soon after, the two of them realize the electric fence room has no electric fence at all, to which bot exclaims, "You're kidding!" Bot and Cabby then enter the Gear Room, and Bot agrees to tell Cabby more about themself. Bot, truthfully now, states that they like drawing, writing monster stories, and kicking butt. Bot also clarifies here that their pronouns are they/them, and that's made things feel right for them. Bot also states they like when people want to learn more.

A few scenes later, Bot is telling Cabby about N/A whilst picking up a gear. They state that, when N/A misses their family, Bot reminds them that even if there's less of their kind than there should be, there's a community that will be kind to things that are one-of-a-kind. Cabby asks what'll happen if she forgets everything, to which Bot states they'll tell her again.

Springy whispers to Bot and Cabby to "trust the toy", referring to the robot Test Tube, who is pointing at a hole in a floor. Bot states that the toy is "guiding" them, and that they "can't..." holding onto Cabby. After Cabby gets the correct gear and the two of them exit the last room, Bot cheers "Way to go Cabby!" and playfully elbows her. They nudge her to roll onto the spring and complete the challenge, stating that she's earned it.

Bot hops to the top of the floating cereal box after Cabby, and is met by Springy, who asks them to say the Springtastic slogan and complete the challenge, so they can take them with him. Bot is confused by this. Springy explains that Mephone4 signed an agreement with them, and they'll process Bot's unique and advanced design to create toys, which Bot appears daunted by. Afraid, Bot balls up as Springy talks on about creating replicas of them. The screen cuts to black, and Bot's voice can be heard, talking in second person. Tying back to what they said to N/A earlier, they state that though there's not as many of "you" as there should be, there's a community that embraces the most wonderful "you". When they open their eyes, they see N/A, and say that they've already found others who will understand and listen to them, that aren't just copies. Bot jumps and catches N/A, exclaiming, "I am Bot. The one and only! WOOHOO!" As N/A flies away. Once Springy is taken care of, Bot lands on top of the cereal box, pointing out Mephone's now lost sponsorship. When Mephone expresses he didn't like how Bot was treated, Bot hugs him.

During the elimination, Silver Spoon and Yin-Yang tie for the vote, and either Balloon, Nickel or Bot will be eliminated at random if one of those two are not chosen. Bot begs Balloon and Nickel not to send one of them home when it's easily avoidable, and they decline. Bot wishes the both of them luck with the elimination tiebreaker, but ironically gets eliminated themselves. They begin to panic, saying they "can't go back", that they aren't ready or right, but calm down after Cabby hands them a sticky note and assures them that they are. Mephone asks if they want to be a co-host, to which they decline, stating they're done with other people's labels. They thank Nickel and Balloon for the memories, and then are punched by the Fist Thingy.

On Indefinite Island, Bot lands on Goo before bouncing onto the ground. Goo is excited they made it, and Bot responds that it's so great to see him too. Bot and Goo then look behind Bot and see Test Tube. Nervously, Bot sticks the sticky note onto themself, which is revealed to have their name and pronouns on it, and they wave a simple greeting to Test Tube. Bot is then hugged by Test Tube and Goo, ending the episode.

"Blue Buried"[]

The eliminated season 3 contestants are all taking a boat to Paradise in the dead of night, and Bot tiredly asks Walkie Talkie if they could've just left in the morning.

When Blueberry appears to die on the shore, Bot begins to ask if he's dead. Bot later states this with more confidence after Candle vaguely states that he's been "picked off".

For the challenge, the eliminated contestants have to figure out who murdered Blueberry, and Test Tube joins a pair team with Bot. Though content, Bot points out to her that she didn't have to do that. Test Tube states that she just didn't want Bot to be paired with someone else, and Bot asks if this is anyone in particular. Before answering the question, Bot suddenly sees "C A" written in the sand next to Blueberry. The two of them conclude he must've been trying to write a message in the sand. Test Tube immediately assumes he was trying to write "Cabby", and Bot mentions Candle could be an option as well.

Later, Bot asks Test Tube to hear them out, stating Cabby isn't who Test Tube thinks she is. When Test Tube attempts to finish Cabby's name in the sand, Bot stops her, stating that though Cabby's files aren't always accurate, it's her process, and the files can change just like people. Walking away from the scene, Bot tells Test Tube, "write that if you must" stating they have something else to write.

Towards the end of the challenge, Cabby approaches Bot to ask about her files, to which Bot immediately apologizes for making Cabby feel like she needed permission to use what helps her. Bot states that Cabby listened to them when the two of them talked, and they don't want her to forget that. Bot hands Cabby a new file on themself they wrote, with some art of theirs included, adding that they're a visual learner, and that they hope it helps. Saying "It's you", Cabby hugs Bot, and Bot returns the hug.

Mephone4 asks all the contestants who they suspect Blueberry's murderer is. Much to Bot's surprise, Test Tube accuses Candle of the murder rather than Cabby, and Bot corroborates this by stating Cabby's wheels are squeaky enough that someone would have heard her moving around at night, eliminating her as a suspect.

When Nickel and Clover accuse Bot of being the murderer based on a "coded message" they found, Bot and Test Tube laugh, pointing out to them that it was just a crossword Test Tube made Bot to entertain them on the boat ride. Bot adds that they like to solve without circling to make them harder.

"The Great Bluish Bake Off"[]

Bot briefly appears in Blueberry's last flashback, Meditating with Candle and Test Tube as Blueberry walks up to them.

"A Jury of Your Fears"[]

Bot, alongside all of the other eliminated contestants, is part of the jury to decide the winner of season 3.

Bot sees during the jury questioning that Cabby is apologetic for those she may have hurt in her gameplay, and stands up, telling her not to apologize. They tell Cabby that she played great game, and that she doesn't owe anything to anyone.

When the jury meets in the jail, Bot continues to vouch for Cabby's eye on the game, and Fan comes into their conversation in agreement. Bot immediately nervously freezes up, and Fan apologizes. Fan obliviously asks for Bot's name, thinking he missed a mid season debut. Bot tells him their name, and, realizing who he's talking to, Fan awkwardly greets Bot with a "Hello", which they reciprocate.

When Nickel states that Cabby's lucky to be back after getting eliminated, Bot retorts that that only means she had to try harder than anyone else. Bot further angrily minds Nickel that he and Balloon got so caught up in their own drama that the three of them had to do a floating orb tiebreaker, and they repeat their support for Cabby by stating she's the only choice that makes sense.

When the Unvitational Committee traps the jurors in the jail, Bot demands that they let everyone go, only to scream as Springy knocks them backwards. Astonished, Bot asks Springy how they came back.

"You Can't Do This Forever"[]

Springy reveals he created Spring-Bot, a robotic replica of Bot. This enrages Bot as they grab the bars of the jail and yell that Springy will pay for this. Springy tells Bot that Spring-Bot is special, not being a lifeless husk like the other robots. He adds that he's programmed them with all of Bot's greatest hits, and that they'll soon be one of many. Bot defeatedly utters "No..." with tears in their eyes.

When Cabby discusses MePhone4's intentions with the end of the season and protecting his life, Bot stares distraught at Spring-Bot nearby.

After the Unvitational Committee and finalists debate MePhone's execution, Cabby sees Bot on their knees, staring in horror, and resolves to confront Springy on his creation. Bot continues to sulk as Cabby describes how they worked so hard to find themselves after being trapped living someone else's life, only for Springy to do the same to their creation.

When the contestant jurors line up to vote a winner in the Calm-Down Cabana, Bot is shown enthusiastically pressing Cabby's button to vote for her. MePhone displays Bot's vote first when counting the votes, and Bot gives Cabby a wide grin and a thumbs up. Cabby is declared the winner of the season, and Bot hops over to raise her arm up, announcing to the jury, "Your winner, everyone!" Pulling Cabby around slightly, they cheer. They excitedly push Cabby over to one of the Pic-Nix Tables, following her closely as she writes how she feels in her file.

During the photo montage, Bot is seen alone in a photo, sitting at one of the tables and eating cake melancholically. Another photo is taken of them where they're smiling at the camera. In a third photo, Fan and Test Tube are lifting and hugging them. Whilst Test Tube is apologizing to Cabby and expressing that "those she was trying to protect" are more than her ideas of them, Bot is shown playfully chasing Fan. Right afterwards, Bot is seen next to Goo.

Some time later, Cabby's prize is revealed to be a library. Bot, Goo, N/A, Paintbrush, Camera 1 and Camera 2 all sit in a circle around Cabby, listening to her reading a story recounting the season. Cabby states she charged at Silver Spoon full force during the picture taking challenge, and Bot corroborates that she rammed into him and they got a photo of him looking like a mess. They chuckle together, Cabby adding that it was their mess.
