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That wasn't a bright thing to say! Ha-ha! Get it?

Breaking The Ice
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 Cheesy, labeled The Comedian, was a minor character in Inanimate Insanity and a male contestant in Inanimate Insanity II. He was placed on The Grand Slams. He is currently voiced by Dee Cashin.


Cheesy is a yellow triangular wedge of cheese. He has several holes in his body, including on his face. He is possibly emmental.


Cheesy is defined by his desire to make those around him laugh. At any opportunity available, Cheesy will crack a joke or pun to try and make those around him laugh. As his name implies, Cheesy's jokes are regarded as cheap and tacky. Additionally, Cheesy may accompany his jokes with a knee slap, or when someone else makes a joke or pun without even realizing it. Due to his constant joking, he is considered as annoying and unfunny by others.

Though it's unclear whether he realizes people find him annoying or not, Cheesy is a dedicated and enthusiastic joker, and will go to great lengths in order to make a joke. In "Marsh on Mars", he runs across an empty field in order to give a knee slap to Soap's joke, and in "Cooking for the Grater Good", where he continues to make jokes about cheese despite the fact that he is simultaneously being grated. He also frequently cuts into eliminations in order to crack a joke.

Cheesy is generally cheerful, even in situations of personal peril. However, he is very sensitive to criticism towards his jokes. If one happens to offend him, his attitude changes drastically and he will act violently. As seen in "A Kick in the Right Direction", Knife comments that his jokes are terrible, and in "Let 'Er R.I.P.", Bow quietly notes that his joke wasn't funny, Cheesy becomes enraged at both and attempts to harm them.

Although he has a passion for humor, Cheesy's delivery can sometimes seem insensitive. While his jokes are usually nothing more than friendly banter and play-on-words, Cheesy may occasionally mock other contestants and offend them if he gets too caught up in a joke. In "Theft and Battery", he offends Microphone personally by cracking a joke about her personality, provoking her to shout back at him and call him out for his cruel joke. This upsets Cheesy deeply, causing him to consider giving up humor entirely. However, even at his low point, he was quick to start smiling again, indicating that nothing gets him down for long.

Official Site Bio[]

Cheesy is a huge jokester, but sometimes his jokes come off as being a bit too "cheesy." His terrible jokes and puns annoy some of his fellow contestants, and also make some giggle in joy. He's a happy-go-lucky guy that just wants to have a good laugh.

—Inanimate Insanity Site, 2013

Always the jokester, Cheesy never misses an opportunity to unleash a zinger on an unsuspecting fellow contestant. Although well-intentioned, his jokes oftentimes miss the mark. Even if his delivery is lacking, Cheesy’s goal of making others laugh is a noble one. Unfortunately, it has been called into question whether or not Cheesy is capable of taking life seriously. While he is undoubtedly sensitive to criticism, Cheesy ultimately will never give up on comedy- for better or worse!

—Inanimate Insanity Site, 2018


Click here to view the coverage of Cheesy
Click here to view the coverage of Cheesy.

Vote Status[]

Season 2 Votes[]

Episode EP # Votes Total Votes Percentage
"Cooking for the Grater Good" 4 219 4010 5.50%
"A Kick in the Right Direction" 5 530 3853 13.76%
"Theft and Battery" 8 2605 5688 45.7%
Total: 3354 votes

Popularity Poll[]

Votes Total Votes Percentage
394 (to join) 22513 1.75%


  • Cheesy was the only character to be voiced by Aaron Shapiro.
  • Cheesy is the first contestant to end with a "-y" suffix when their object's name doesn't have one. The only other contestant with this trait is Cabby.
    • Coincidentally, both their names start with a "C'.
  • According to the Inanimate Insanity Secrets video, Cheesy and Balloon weren't originally going to be in Inanimate Insanity II.
  • Fan, Cheesy, and Microphone are the only Season 2 contestants that appeared in Season 1.
  • In Theft and Battery, it is revealed that Cheesy owns a joke book.
  • As revealed on the Inanimate Insanity website, Cheesy hosts a stand-up comedy routine every Friday night at Hotel OJ.
    • He is also revealed to have taken a liking to "yo mama" jokes.
  • In "The Participation Trophy", it is revealed that he was going to do a comedy tour, but it got cancelled at some point.
  • According to the website, no one knows what kind of cheese he is. If someone asks him, he always replies, "Nacho business".
  • It's possible that Cheesy's name is meant to be a pun, as his jokes could be considered “cheesy”.
  • Cheesy is seen at an angle throughout Season 2, but his Season 3 design has him from up front.
  • He's the only male character played by Dee Cashin.


Click here to view the image gallery for Cheesy.
Click here to view the gallery.

See also[]

The Grand Slams
Grand Slams Logo
Members: KnifeSuitcaseBaseball (Captain) • MicrophoneNickelBalloonSoap (Alternate Captain) • CheesyDoughBoxTrophy
