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"Everything's About-OJ" is Issue #5 of Inanimate Comics and was released on September 9, 2020. It was the last issue of Volume #1.


They say that no one knows you better than you know yourself...HA! It sure sounds like they never met Fan! Behold as the master of all things trivial faces his challenger: OJ!


Test Tube goes to ask Fan what he's doing. He says that he's writing some II trivia pages and is working on OJ's. Paintbrush suggests talking to OJ, saying that he could help with the trivia. Fan dismisses it, saying that he probably knows more trivia about OJ than OJ himself, with OJ listening in and disagreeing. Paintbrush and Test Tube then hold a competition between the two to compete on who knows more trivia about OJ. Fan wins by a landslide and Paintbrush crowns him the OJ trivia champion. However, this is interrupted by Salt, who challenges Fan, much to Fan's shock and OJ and Paper's dismay.



  • This is Test Tube, Fan, Baxter, and Microphone's comic debut. However, Microphone appeared as a background character.
    • This makes Test Tube and Microphone the first contestants to appear in the comics after being eliminated from Inanimate Insanity II in an episode since the comic started.
  • The title is a reference to the episode name "Everything's A-OJ".
  • Pickle appears carrying a photograph of Team Chickenleg from the end of the previous comic.