Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Inanimate Insanity Wiki
Episode Gallery Transcript
Character Scene/Script
Fan AAH!
Fan Oh, hey. You're still up? Not a big talker, huh? You and egg would really get along.
(Baxter blinks twice.)
Fan No, of course I trust that Test Tube is taking care of him. But, she obviously only took him because...she doesn't trust me.
(Fan sighs.)
Fan I don't know, not like I can be there.
(Baxter jumps off the bed.)
Fan Where are you going?
(Baxter snips claws twice.)
Paintbrush Fan... are you sleep talking... again?
Fan Shh! Only a little. Sorry Baxter, finish that thought?
(Baxter walks and blinks.)
Fan You're right! The only barrier separating me from the game is in my mind!
Paintbrush Actually Fan, there are show parameters in place.
(Fan gets out of blankets.)
Fan Baxter you're a genius! Oh I see what Lightbulb sees in you now!
(Fan jumps out of bed and starts running.)
Fan Away I go!
Paintbrush Wait, Fan! We can't just leave!... Can we?
(Glass shatters.)
Trophy (off-screen) Ugh! My herbal tea! Ugh... at least I have my big jar of cocoa nibs.
Fan Oh whoops, wrong way!
Trophy Wait! Oh no!!
(Fan is seen running the other way, and the jar shatters.)
Trophy NOOOO!!!
(Paintbrush sighs and Tissues knocks on wall.)
Tissues (off-screen) Quiet down, Paintbrush, some people are trying to sleep! (Coughs and gags)
(Microphone opens eyes and is seen getting dragged by Taco.)
Microphone Wha...?
Taco Don't act so surprised, I have been dragging you on for a while now.
Microphone (Snickers) Hey, at least until you inevitably "drop me too" or whatever.
Taco Oh, inevitably.
Microphone (Hahaha)
Taco (Gasp, lets go of Microphone)
Microphone Oof!
(MePad shown touching the gem.)
Taco Shh! Mute it! (Grabs onto rock)
MePad Sir... I never knew what you did to... save me.
MePhone4 Yeah well... I didn't want to know either. But I guess repressing my memories was a pretty short-term solution, huh? (Tapping the ground for MePad to sit beside him) (MePhone4 generates the Cobs painting Paintbrush painted in Episode 12)
MePhone4 As soon as I saw that smug face again, man... All I wanted to do was something that wasn't one of his "tasks."
MePad And you accomplished that. This show is yours.
MePhone4 No, it's not! (Kicks the painting) I left to this island to rebel against him, making a reality show he'd HATE, but he created A.D.A.M, he tricked me, hired me AND Toilet, and not a SINGLE thing I've done has been out of his control! Not ONE!
MePad Not even saving me? Why would he let that happen?
(MePhone4 doesn't respond.)
(Ominous whirring sounds start happening. Taco whips out her gun, and MePhone4 starts glitching.)
(MePhone4 generates furniture similar to Episode 13 's flashbacks.)
MePad Uh... sir?
MePhone4 What... was that?
MePad Processing... (Shows the Meeple Maps processing on his screen. Then shows a map of the island and various locations such as The Crappy Cliff, Hotel OJ and Idiotic Island) Contestant grounds. (MePad and MePhone4 teleport away. The camera cuts to Baseball and Test Tube, who looks very paranoid, and is clutching the egg)
Baseball So, what if it made a noise?
Test Tube So, EVERYTHING!!! Gee! have YOU ever studied an incubated species, capable of exopentially amplifying noises prior to emergence?!
Baseball ...Imagine I said yes, like, of course not. So what do we do?
Test Tube (Pacing around) WE can't do anything... but I'VE prepared!!
(Test Tube puts the egg down and starts typing into the Soda Machine, which continues as Baseball talks again.)
Baseball Oh, uh, you thirsty? Thir- ang- angry? Uh- "THRANGRY!!"
Test Tube Oh, I'm not thrangy. I'm THURIOUS!! But do you know how productive anger can make you?! I'M RIDING THE WAVE HERE!!
(Test Tube smashes the Soda Machine and a pop can bounces out from the bottom. Fan is then seen trying to take the egg and Test Tube and Baseball notice him.)
(Test Tube is about to speak before the ominous sound occurs again and glitches MePhone4 who walks into shot along with MePad, and starts generating various of items.)
(Lightbulb is revived with a trumpet sound.)
(The noise reaches space, and as Fan reaches and touches the egg, the noise stops.)
Fan You're okay... I got you...
(A light shines and starts lifting Fan up to an Egg Spaceship* *Suitcase walks into shot and the reflection of Fan being lifted is reflected in one of her eyes.)
(Fan glitches and drops his phone.)
Test Tube FAN!!
(The doors to the Egg Spaceship close and the screen goes black.)
(Intro plays.)
(Test Tube picks up Fan's phone and Suitcase and Test Tube look up.)
MePhone4 He's here, MePad!! Cobs is here for me!
Lightbulb and Knife Cobs?!
Microphone What?!
MePad Are you certain?
(Shot pans to the Egg Spaceship, which starts firing at MePhone4 who jumps out of the way.)
MePhone4 (Landing) He always wanted a spaceship.
(The Egg Spaceship prepares to fire 3 lasers and MePhone4 generates a shield just in time as the lasers hit, which causes his shield to glitch.)
MePhone4 We need out. Now!! He took Fan, get him back!
(MePad and MePhone4 teleport away, and the Egg Spaceship prepares to charge.)
Test Tube We can't let them get away!!
(Test Tube grabs a giant blaster, and connects the taser seen in Episode 11 to the blaster, and fires it at the Egg Spaceship. She turns around and blows at the remaining smoke emitting from the blaster.)
(The rest of the contestants just stare upward.)
Test Tube That won't hold for long. We still need to find a way up there!
(Everyone gathers in a ground view circle and Baseball forces himself into a circle.)
Baseball Anyone got a BIG LADDER? (Laughing awkwardly as the rest become unamused) Uh- th-this is a new approach for me... uh... Th-this is way too much, I'm sorry. (Awkwardly stands back away from the group)
Suitcase We've gone up to space. This should be easy, right?
Knife Yet MePhone ditched us again before he could give us parts, but at least he gave us a challenge this time. Worst of both worlds!
(Soda can is opened and Lightbulb is seen leaning against the Soda Machine.)
Lightbulb Sorry, I drink when I'm oppressed. Which we are! Oh, we are...
Microphone Hey Test Tube. Maybe we can... (Clicks tongue and whistles, does lip trilling) We can... HMM? (Lip trills) Eh? Ehh?
(Test Tube in unamused.)
Microphone Ehhhhhhhh????
Test Tube What.
Microphone Your secret lab. I meant your secret lab.
(Shock goes through Test Tube as the existence of her laboratory is revealed.)
Test Tube Well, holly gosh golly willikers, Mic. I wish this was under better circumstances. (Snaps her finger and fireworks start appearing) You did it. You all did it!! The secret is out, and in your hearts! (Shows everyone except Test Tube wearing "WINNER" sashes except for Microphone who is wearing the "BIGGEST WINNER!" sash) Take it. Take everything in the lab. Whatever Mic hasn't already stolen, hah. (Sighs) Golly. (Screams and punches the side of the Soda Machine)
Suitcase ...Ooooh. THAT laboratory!
Test Tube (Removes her hand from the Soda Machine) That's it, we got our parts right here! Fan was TAKEN by none other than Cobs!! That makes us angry, right?
(Everyone has uncertain and confused replies.)
Test Tube Yeah! I THOUGHT SO. So let's channel that anger and.. (Rips out a part of the Soda Machine) SAVE HIM!!! Who's with me?
(The contestants happily agree. The camera cuts to Fan in the Spaceship.)
Fan Alright. Cobs may have wanted you the second he saw you but, we're the masters of our own fate now, right? (Higher pitched talk to mimicking egg's voice) Right! (Regular voice) And his design for this room is exceedingly minimalist! And not in a pleasing way! He's lost his touch!!
(The egg start omitting noises again and cracks further.)
Fan Shh shh. See, you agree, right? Yeah, really ugly in here. Right, right, we'll be okay. Ugh.. stop talking to yourself, Fan.
(Loud speaker noises as Fan notices a speaker in the ceiling corner.)
(Cut to Knife tearing a chuck from the Soda Machine and passing it to Suitcase who then walks it to where Test Tube, Baseball and Lightbulb are working. Then camera changes and shows everyone.)
Test Tube Up the pace! (Walks past Knife) Keep tearing that metal, Knife. And Mic, keep tearing apart my TRUST! AND STEALING.
Microphone (Does thumbs up then does thumbs down as Test Tube angry scolds her) Mmmm...
Taco That vile vial thinks she has it all figured out, but even SHE overlooked the true potential of MePad's teleportation. It's powerful, yes... But imagine how far he could go with... our touch.
Microphone What kind of touches are we talking here?
Taco Finishing touches. While I'm preoccupied... might you be able to do some shopping for me? Buy me... some time. It's on sale... IN BULK.
(Dial tone sounds followed by Microphone sighing.)
(Cut to Suitcase throwing the metal into an existing pile and she closes herself. Her anxieties start kicking in.)
Echoed Suitcase voice I think there's an a mystery I'm more interested in tackling first.
(The ground starts cracking and the screen flickers black and white to color.)
Echoed Fan voice When I wanna talk about me... I can't.
(Ground cracks and the screen flickers again. Suitcase slowly backs up.)
Echoed Test Tube voice Have you two just been... SITTING AROUND?!
Test Tube ...Suitcase?
(Suitcase is on the ground having a breakdown, but looks up.)
Test Tube Are you going to keep... sitting there?
Suitcase (Is up now) N-no. Sorry, I- What? Do you think I don't care about this?
Test Tube Well, you are the reason he was eliminated so...
Suitcase Me?!
Baseball Woah woah woah! Hey. We've ALL lost friends in this game before. So how about we get back to-
Suitcase You know what's funny... Fan was eliminated from his favorite game, his favorite show in the world, and do you know what actually hurt him the most?
Test Tube The egg is none of your concern.
Suitcase I'm not talking about the egg. Honestly... I thought you were smarter than this.
(Scene cut to MePad looking up at the Egg Spaceship.)
MePad Isolating ourselves will not prevent his arrival.
MePhone4 Exactly. It's inevitable. So why should WE have to be scared? I've made up my mind, if you'll join me.
MePad Join you in... what sir?
MePhone4 Forgetting. Cobs, the show, remove whatever we want from our systems. Put it behind us. Make a few new gems.
MePad Is that not EXACTLY what he wants? To forget? Comply? Forfeit our greatest weapon? Sir. These contestants, AND Toilet, have always had your back. If we work together, TRUST each other, it will be our best chance of surviv-
MePhone4 Huh. Trust.
MePad Sir?
MePhone4 Why'd you let Marshmallow leave, MePad? Yeah, thought I didn't know about that. There's no way you wouldn't have noticed. (Picks up screen protector) So don't lecture ME about trust. I've tried trusting. Doesn't exactly work out.
MePad Then, I suppose... What am I doing here? (Teleports away)
(Scene cut to Suitcase's anxieties again.)
Baseball (Interrupting) Hey. You holding up okay?
Suitcase I thought I would be. I figured standing up for myself would make me feel better. And it does... I guess... but it is harder.
Baseball We're all a little on edge here. Especially Test Tube. Try not to take it personally.
Suitcase ...Yeah... nothing personal... right?
Baseball Right... (Sighs) I wish I knew how to fix this.
Suitcase Baseball, you can't fix it. It doesn't just go away. But... you're here, you're listening, you're trying. So... thanks. (Gets up) Alright, tick-tock! Let's get back to work!
(Shows silhouettes of Suitcase and Baseball walking from the doc and shows Knife in the foreground.)
Knife Hmm...
(MePad teleports to the contestant grounds, unaware and Taco pulls out her gun.)
(Cut to Microphone taking apart wires in the Soda Machine.)
Microphone (Sighs)
Knife Boo.
Microphone AHH! (Hits her head) Ow.. (As Knife chuckles) Oh, hey it's just you.
Knife Oh jeez. I'm a "just you" now? (Groaning) I already hit my favor quota, but since I'm in a generous mood... BONUS! Maybe, uh, stop, idiot? Have some dignity?
Microphone Look, Taco and I are equals. (Taco is seen dragging MePad away in the background) I have a voice here. No one's shutting me down. I'm not just being dragged along.
Knife Well hey, you know what? Guess you are pretty in-sync. (Walks off)
Microphone Huh?
(Shows Lightbulb carrying Dr. Fizz while walking up to Test Tube who is on a table top hammering something.)
Test Tube Did you even hear what she just said!? RIDICULOUS! Explain how I'm the villain for doing what was RIGHT!
Lightbulb Uhhhhhhh... (grabs the hammer from Test Tube and mimics what she did with Fan during his elimination) I'm... I'm sorry Test Tube... (screams and smashes the wing with the hammer)
Test Tube GOLLY!
Lightbulb See, that was you. That's you.
Test Tube Okay come on, I didn't smash anything! Look at all the damage you just caused!
Lightbulb See, Tube. Maybe it's not always- WHAT you do but it's also... HOW you do it... 'em.
Test Tube Huh, thanks! Now get me some tape for this! this looks AWFUL!
Lightbulb Oof. Darn. That's NO GOOD! (walks off)
Test Tube We're almost there, buddy. (Looking up towards the Egg Spaceship)
(Scene cut to Fan.)
Speaker Language confirmed. Scanning specimen for threat activity. (Scans Fan) Specimen identified as... threat level... one.
Fan ONE?! If you've read my blog, you'd know... when these fingers hit the keyboard, they hit it HARD, BUSTER.
Speaker Recalculating... threat level... point five.
Fan Alright, I'm just gonna assume it's golf rules and that a lower score is preferable.
Speaker Lay our youth down and put enough space between the two of you before we fire at will.
Fan I... am not... letting... him... GO.
Speaker THEY will let themselves go. (Egg cracks further) The process has initiated.
(The egg floats out of Fan's grip and cracks and glows while spinning, until it stops and two white eyes are shown inside.)
Fan Uh...
(The egg screams and flies to the opposite end of the cell.)
Fan Oh... I didn't mean to scare you, I... you know me... don't you?
(A soldier egg opens the cell door and comes in.)
Fan Wait- you're- you're not...
(A small light comes into shot and turns into chains and binds Fan.)
(Cut to Lightbulb putting tape on the wing where she hit with the hammer.)
Lightbulb Alright, it might be a little trashy but I-I think it's a bit of an improvement.
Test Tube We're done! The ship is built for one pilot.
Microphone Couldn't you have built one to fit all of us?
Test Tube Yes. But I didn't. Now we just have to decide who- IT'S ME! I'M GOING! AND I DON'T WANT ANY "IF'S" "AND'S" OR "BUT'S"!
Knife Sure. Just do it. Makes sense. You built it, and you're qualified... right?
Test Tube Uh- yes. This is important to me.
Knife See ya.
Lightbulb Alright, well, here you go. I named the ship: "The Flying Buddy." So you know, Test Tube, you can have a flying buddy, I mean- I mean I already- I would but I already have a flying buddy- (Test Tube walks towards the rocket ship) Like I'm- I've got plenty. I've got them up the wazoo. (Laughs)
(Test Tube starts operating the rocket ship as Suitcase approaches.)
Suitcase Hey, you know you're like, really smart, right? This is incredible! You... know what you're gonna do up there?
Test Tube I'm gonna get him back.
(Closes the door and starts the ship.)
(Ship suddenly about to crash while falling with alarm sound.)
Lightbulb Whoa... WOAH!!!
(Lightbulb's idea pops up.)
Lightbulb C'mon team!
(Microphone, Knife, Suitcase, and Baseball do what Lightbulb said, then the ship is backup thanks to them. MePhone4 was thrilled. They cheer for themselves as the big ladder.)
Baseball BIG LADDER!
(Cheering continues.)
Microphone Huh.
(Suitcase and Baseball continues.)
Knife Alright, Listen up.
Suitcase and Baseball (stops cheering) Oh... Oh man...
Knife Test Tube has a chance at immunity, but, we need to prepare in case she falls to nab it.
Baseball Woah, hold up. She just flew up to save Fan! And you're already out to get her? What's your problem, dude?
Knife Hmm, Let's see... DUDE. For starters. She's our biggest threat left.
Lightbulb What?
Knife No no, Not you.
Lightbulb Oh.
Baseball Maybe you feel that way, but we're close. She wouldn't-
Knife What? Turn on her best friend? Didn't you hear Suitcase?
Knife Test Tube threw him away like the trash she built a functioning rocket out of. Totally not threatening. Testy's anger has unleashed tonight. And who knows where it'll take her?
Baseball Hmm, You should know. So why should I believe you won't turn on me too?
Knife Because in this game we need numbers to advance. THEN we can worry about each other, which, by the way, must happen for there to be one winner.
Suitcase Look Baseball, if she's really your friend, she'll learn to understand it's... just part of the game.
Taco I know what you're going to say...
Taco "Oh, no, you murdered him!"
Microphone W- Well... yes! Now I can't even say THAT!
Microphone ...can I? Why'd you murder him?!
Taco SLEEP. MODE. But it was an excellent question. We need to teleport freely.
Microphone To save Fan.
Taco Yes, of course, I love the guy.
Microphone We grab Fan, in and out, no violence. This is bigger than the show.
Microphone This is... I dunno... serious? You have to promise me.
Taco Not necessarry, teamwork prevails.
(The door's entrance opens to where the UFO Egg was, Then Fan starts to explore.)
The Prime Shimmer We are the collective ethereal light. known as...
The Prime Shimmer We speak on behalf of us all and our energy... What are YOU supposed to be?
Fan Uh, I'm Fan. I am, a fan. From a reality show.
Fan I'm mean- well I'm not STILL on the reality show. But I, uh, probably my most notable work.
The Prime Shimmer Tell us. Tell us where you found one of our own.
Fan Well, technically I didn't but- Mars. And he looked lonely... I mean, was I projecting? Yes, but- I just wanted him to-
Fan well, not him, I- egg, well- not an egg now either, uh... I wanted them to be safe. Plus you, you did leave them stranded.
The Prime Shimmer They were STOLEN!!! What right do you have to assume responsibility of them? You speak of your reality show but beyond that, who are, YOU?!
Fan I'm, I- ... ... I- ... I don't know.
(Test Tube appears with rocket ship to where the Fan is.)
Test Tube Fan! Stand back! Where's the egg?
(All except Fan pointing at Test Tube with white spears.)
Test Tube Oh... ...golly. What are you?
The Prime Shimmer We are the collective ethereal light known aa-
Fan They're aliens, Test Tube. You missed the whole sha- bang. Alien life is real. By the way, - hi.
Test Tube Woah... (clears throat) I, uh, got something for you. It's pretty broken, but, I'm hopeful that we can fix it.
The Prime Shimmer You bear the symbol... ...of the oppressor!
Fan Meeple? This- this symbol... What did they do to you?...
The Prime Shimmer A stranger with its own light... ...but cold and mechanical... ...arrived on our soil... ...and brought forth questions and curiosity. They offered technology in return for information about our unique source of organic energy. But the more they learned... ...the more they sought to harness our light. We refused. So they broke through our shell, and took those of us that didn't have a choice: our youths. We retaliated, and were able to retrieve all... but two... ...until.
Fan Until... you found... ...the culprit.
The Prime Shimmer Would you happen to know where the other lost one might be?
Test Tube No, I'm sorry. I'm, sorry about... everything.
Fan No, no. Test Tube. Don't. You aren't responsible for this. Steve Cobs is the one-
Test Tube Cobs stole them, you stole them, I stole them! They never belonged to any of us.
Fan He... ...felt like mine.
Test Tube I know. But they belong to this family.
The Prime Shimmer We've searched for eons.
Test Tube You think you can say goodbye?
Fan No actually, I, I think I... I think i should say hello.
Fan Hey. You know, I always called you 'him'. Guess not all my theories are right, huh?
Fan I'm sorry that I... wanted you to be safe so bad that I... ... almost never got to meet you. I'm always trying to make sense of this crazy world, but... really, I'm just guessing.. The only thing i know for sure is even without that shell holding you together... you'll still watch out for each other...
The Prime Shimmer We're glad you seem to have learned an important lesson about embracing what you don't understand. We would have preferred if you hadn't abducted our children to do it, but, can't win 'em all, we suppose. (chuckling)
Fan Whoa! They understand humor!
The Prime Shimmer Yes, we do. We just didn't find you funny! (Laughs)
(Test Tube starting to die and break apart) (Fan being shocked and Taco is seen in broken piece of glass.)
The Prime Shimmer We're under attack! Everyone! Take cover! Get our ship out of stasis!
Microphone ...Taco. Uh, we come in peace!
Taco Perfect.
Microphone Ah! Stop! This wasn't the plan.
Taco Aliens rarely are. Steal him back! Now!
(Microphone picks up Fan with her) (The egg presses the button to fly away the U.F.O Egg.)
Suitcase She's okay, I know it.
MePhone4 Uh, hey guys, uh, I'm back.
Baseball Great, because Cobs is gone! And he took Test Tube and Fan!
MePhone4 Well, not Test Tube.
(Test Tube is being recovered.)
Test Tube How did i get here? What happened? Where's the ship? Where's Fan?
(Microphone walks slowly as he puts Fan down in confusion. They, except Test Tube, applaud and cheer for her heroism. Microphone is still unbalanced.)
(Taco in Microphone's mind) See? This is why you listen to me, Mic. Delectable, isn't it? Finally, a taste of recognition. Finally, I can finally-
Microphone Is that what you said to Pickle?
Microphone Make him think he was doing what he wanted? Like he was heard? (Sighs)
Microphone I thought I gained a friend. Turns out... I gained nothing.
Taco Surely it couldn't have been nothi-
(Microphone turns the volume down as moments of silence were shown. The contestants finished cheering for her.)
MePhone4 That's amazing! You drove Cobs away all by yourselves? I need the deeds!
Test Tube Wait-
Suitcase Yeah! By ourselves! Together!
Test Tube Wha- eh? Ah!
Baseball And we couldn't have done it without Microphone!
Test Tube On the contrary! There was no Cobs. I encountered an alien species! Not Microphone, who actually used no teamwork when she obliterated me!!!
Knife Did you SEE her do that?
Test Tube Well, no. But I'm also not an idiot! I-
MePhone4 Well that's fantastic! Ah, no Cobs. No problem. Really guys, I'm impressed. Especially with you, Mic. You've earned yourself immunity.
Test Tube I hope it was worth it.
(The elimination scene starts)
MePhone4 All right contestants, I'll read the votes. And MePad-
(MePad is missing.)
MePhone4 ...ugh.
Suitcase Is MePad gone now too?
MePhone4 Nah, he'll be back. We all come and go, that's what it's all about! After today, I could not be more proud to still call myself your host. You're all winners in my book.... So who's gettin' the boot?
((He touches the printer and it churns).)
Knife Y- Y- You could have generated anything!
MePhone4 Okay, first vote... 'Replace Ink Cartridge?'
Microphone That won't be necessary.
MePhone4 Microphone... Did you take my ink cartridge?
Microphone Wha- ugh. No. I just... I haven't been... listening to my heart. Instead, I've been listening to... this... well... It was a voice in my head! And it would tell me how to... go further. Further than i was willing to go. I heard it so often that I never... (chuckles) I never heard myself. So... what's the point?
Microphone I want out.
Baseball But you were really just starting to come into your own and now there's... a voice? What does that mean?
Microphone It means, I didn't make the best choices. So now... I'm making my first good one. This is what I want.
MePhone4 Mic... If we're talking voices, I'd suggest you listen to mine and maybe not do this?
(Mic makes her grumpy face.)
MePhone4 Well darn, I would say her loss. but she seems pretty dead set. It just doesn't have the same effect.
Lightbulb Is she a criminal? Because she just stole the show and my heart.
Test Tube She is a criminal.
Lightbulb Oh. Well then lock her butt up in the clink!
Suitcase So that's it. That's the elimination.
MePhone4 Well yes, but, actually no? I lit the torches and everything. And a little self-actualization isn't spoiling my party. So lame.
MePhone4 Mic, your vote won't count. Buh-bye!
MePhone4 First vote:
Suitcase Oh, so, we're just gonna-
MePhone4 Test Tube.
MePhone4 Knife.
MePhone4 One vote Test Tube, One vote Knife.
MePhone4 Test Tube.
MePhone4 Knife.
MePhone4 Two votes Test Tube. Two votes Knife. One vote left. And the fifteenth... no no... sixteenth contestant eliminated is...
MePhone4 Test Tube.
Baseball I'm sorry, you're brilliant. It- it wasn't an easy decision.
Test Tube (Sighs) I get it. It's a game. Did the voice in YOUR head tell you to do it?
Baseball You're a threat to my game. Nothing... personal.
Test Tube Better walk in front of me, Mic. I don't want you stabbing me in the back again!
Knife Back off- Mic's had enough.
Knife You look relieved.
Microphone Do I? She's still out there...
Microphone Watch yourself.
Knife Hm...
Knife Say hi to Pickle for me.
(Microphone goes through the portal dimension.)
(Taco and MePad are teleporting to somewhere else.)
Fan (Gasps)
(Test Tube gives Fan a phone.)
Test Tube I wasn't sure if I'd ever see you again... ...and be able to tell you....
Test Tube I'm sorry. Everyone thinks I'm this brainiac but... Clearly I still have a lot to learn.
Test Tube What I did to you was really cold and... I'm worried that... things won't be the same.
Fan Yeah. Things will be different. But that's okay. Cause we got it. And you know what? I think they do too.
Test Tube I trust you. We got this!
Lightbulb Yeah lights! We got this! Except... Now it's lights out for both of you because you're both eliminated.
Lightbulb Ugh. (whines) I did not give you both permission to do that.
Test Tube We still have our brightest light in the game!
Lightbulb The bright puns are being a little overplayed, but... I appreciate the sentiment, 'Tube.
Test Tube Heh. Stir up some chaos for me.
(Fan and Test Tube now go through the portal dimension.)
MePhone4 And then there were four... ...four players.
MePhone4 Who are really going for it?! We're back in action everyone! Tune in to see who will advance to the finals!
MePhone4 Next time on...
MePhone4 Inanimate Insanity.
(Fireworks in the sky and then the screen fading in.)
(Epilogue scene is shown after the credits.)
(Toilet with bags is seen walking in the beach night and stops to see the ship and rocket.)
Toilet (gasps) Aliens?
(The door above the ship opens and MePhoneX is seen.)
Toilet M- Mistah- (Seen being scared about MePhoneX moving and alarm sounds playing)
(MePhoneX continues moving as soon as he gets closer to Toilet with suspense horror and the screen begins to glitch, Then everything stops with black screen showing up.)
(The episode ends with Outro, Video stops with the episode ending.)


