Inanimate Insanity is an online animated reality TV web series on YouTube created by Adam Katz, Taylor Grodin, Brian Koch and Justin Chapman. The show is about 16 anthropomorphic objects that compete for 1 million dollars.
The series premiered on April 1, 2011, with the first episode, "The Crappy Cliff" (which has since been re-uploaded, dating September 14, 2011, due to a hacking incident that removed Episodes 1 through 5.5.) The show premiered on the YouTube channel AnimationEpic, where all future episodes and seasons would remain.
The series came to a temporary halt on June 1, 2012, for a summer hiatus, but returned on September 1, 2012.
The final episode, "Journey Through Memory Lane (Part 2)", was released on December 8, 2012, concluding the season with 18 episodes total (not including 5.5).
Inanimate Insanity returned for a second season called Inanimate Insanity II that aired on April 2, 2013, featuring eight original returning contestants and twelve new contestants competing for the same million dollar prize.
A third season of Inanimate Insanity was revealed by Adam in the Inanimate Insanity Direct and premiered on April 3, 2021